Sonic Heroes


Sonic Heroes-REVIEW

King of Bandit Jing

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(WARNING: The Videos or sound files on this page may ruin the game for you. Watch at own risk.)

Team Dark meet Team Sonic. - Video by Knuckz.
Team Sonic Encounter Team Rose. - Video by Knuckz
Team Sonic's story intro. - Video by Knuckz
Team Sonic just miss a glimps of Metal Sonic.-Video by Knuckz
Team Sonic's ending. - Video by Knuckz (fixed links)

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Taken by: Knuckz
Images by Knuckz.


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Mystic Mansion

 Looks good, Good music... Sonic Team must be getting the idea, we want more stages like this!

  Sonic Heroes the Reveiw

 Okay, I swear I will keep the ranting on how we get a release on the 6th of Feb to a minimum, but its a natural feeling getting messed around all the freaking times with games that even have the freaking Europeian translations on the game!

 So, The game. Scince all I've played is the Japanese version, I can't say how badly they have done with the Voices this time around, but from what I hear its damn awfull. Still, People won't mind VAing too much.

The story was the same quality as Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2:


Team Sonic's Story
Team Dark's Story
Team Rose's Story
Team Chaotix's StoryLAST Story

Basicly you have 4 basic Teams each with same formations, just different Characters and different Story lines, Each team has there own way around the Level, sometimes you have to find something, thats mainly with the Chaotix. Light Dash can cause Problems, Here is a tip: Never Stand Still and Light Dash it won't work you need to be moving at a resonable speed before it will work. Don't jump, if you miss the rings you will do the Tornado Jump. Homing Attack, never underestimate the range of the homing jump! The range for the homing attack is huge, unlike SA and SA2 homing jump won't add speed to your team anyway, infact it will slow you down really, because you have the jump... then the slow homing jump. Homing jump works best at Level 2, To get Tutrles it needs to be Level 3.


 Glitches, or Programming Errors as some people call them, are like a Swarm, once you see one you will see a million more. Problems on the other hands arn't Errors, they are just... problems.

Triangle.... thingy with Knuckles is a pain! When you go to press A to make them glide and up, It takes 2 or 3 tries to succsesfully glide.

Team Vs Team Fights are annyoing! You need to complete them in under 20 Seconds to get a rank A. Then if you're hit you're on the floor for stupid amouts of time, in which the opponent switches to fly formation and just stands over you so when you're recovered it hits you again! By this time you're thinking, Power Button... Must press Power button.

Fly Formation can't fly for long enough! Nor, high enough. Simple enough that When you fall off a rail, you can't fly back to the rail becuase he shoots of in another direction thus causing you to fall to your long falling death. Which brings me to the Sonic Advance 2 style falls. They are so damn long. Egg Fleet is worst for that, You get hit and you fall for 2 minuits before you ether die or something else hits you and you die.

Offical Sonic Heroes Japanese site.

Music Changes:

Well, There was plenty of Music Changes from Alpha to E3 demo to Final.

Sea Sidehill

E3 Demo: Plain, Really dull to be honest, (Music Sample coming soon)

Alpha: Heavy bass from Alpha ADX, More same E3 Drums.

Final, Bass lowered, Differnet Louder Drums used.

Ocean Palace:

E3: Like a remix of Sea Side hill, But it was given louder drums and given to 2P Seaside hill and Sea Gate.

Alpha: A Dance type track, livly song. Same basic tune as used in final.

Final: Alot more of a Pop like song now, not as livly as the Alpha one but its much better in places.

Grand Metropolis:

E3: Not Featured.

Alpha: No big clash of drums and Gituar near the beginning, its like the normal tune was struggeling to get out to be honest.

Final: Alot more bass added, made abit more weird.

Power Plant:

E3: a mystirious track that seemed to come out of no where, basic Faster version of the Alpha track, no fancy intro though. Not a big change.

Alpha: Fancy intro sounding like Machining, Faster than the final track though.

Final: Slowed down Alpha version.

Casino Park:

E3: Not Featured

Alpha: Sounds a hell-of-a-lot more like a casino/party kind of track. I prefer this than the final one

Final: Sounds like a duller version of the Alpha track.

BINGO Highway:

E3: Not Featured.

Alpha: More or less not changed, A few SFX were changed and it seems this annoying high pitched scream like nosie was cut out of the final one too, and a bit more bass added in some parts, in some parts less.

Final: Changed SFX, no Annoying Scream SFX, More or less same bass all the way through.

Rail Canyon:

E3: Nice, Heavy rock music. Basic Seaside hill like drums.

Alpha: Added louder drums and extra beats. bass sounds like the E3 version. Quite Echo-y too.

Bullet Station:

E3: Not Featured

MK:DD Demo disc: Same as Alpha.

Alpha: Same as final, just some lower pitched chords from the gituar.

Final: Higher pitched Chords, a bit more of a bubblie feel too it.

Frog Forest:

E3: -Not Featured-

Alpha: Bass is freaky, Same as final. Gituar is... lower pitched. Tune is slower too. Loop in ADX is different to Final.

Final: Not so echo-y. Much more of a air-y feeling added, bass fixed.

Lost Jungle:

E3: -Not Featured-

Alpha: Non-looping huge track. Odd tune really, In this version there is a flute, and some kind of Clackers in the background.

final: Short looping track, no flute this time, whole tune is ripped apart and re-made with the same instruments. Shame really.

Hang Castle:

E3: -Not Featured-

Alpha: Much Faster track, much more livlier.

Final: Slower, Less livlier but better slowed down.

Hang Castle Upside down castle:

E3: -Not Featured-

Alpha: Screaming stuff dosn't come in untill abit further into the track, bit more tune to it.

Final: Shorter, Slower tune with alot more screaming and freaky noises

Egg Fleet:

E3: -Not Featured-

Alpha: Alot of bass in absence of abuance sound.

Final: Abiance tune to it, less bass.

Final Fortress:

E3: -Not Featured-

Alpha: Once again missing basic Ambiance sound.

Final: With Basic Ambiance sound.


Egg Hawk:

Alpha: Clear of the intro digging into the tune itself

final: Not much changed, a new Echo Effect added though.

Team Face of the first:

Alpha: Plays what would play facing Team Dark with Team Sonic.

Final: Full of freaky drums, and a Grand Metropolis style intro.

Robot Carnival:

Alpha: I'm not sure the Alpha has one,

Final: Normal.

Egg Albotross:

Alpha: A stringy track, everything but the intro and looping is the same.

Final: Normal.

Team face of the second:

Unless you're facing Team Dark it will seem weird becuase its the Team Dark theme again.

Robot Storm:

Alpha: Like Robot Carnival Scince the game in the final uses the same track, This wouldn't have a song playing ether.

final: Normal.

Egg Emporer:

Alpha: Dull track, Alot of bass missing.

Final: Same but added Bass and it seems alot clearer. Could be the quality of the ADX.

Metal Madness:

Alpha: Really Orcastrated nothing more than that.

Final: Like Alpha just has this robotic sound in it.

Metal Overlord: (What I'm Made Of)

Alpha: Well, it consists of "Try to reach inside of me, try to drain my enegy, Let me show you just what I'm made of". Twice, with a "Now" on the end  of the second one.

Final: Full Song, definatly suits the boss battle.


Spooky goings on... You know what? Forget the witty coments. =P

Mystic Mansion Screen shot, (I did say Hang Castle before)

theme tune changes:

The Sonic Heroes Theme underwent a Change too. By Alpha they made a Demo of the song 'Sonic Heroes'. Which was basicly mapping out where the lyrics would fit and when. Unfortunaltly it was only in the opening of the game, and the game itslef didn't have the full recorded demo. So the short 1:30 Version was on it for the opening.

The only other Song you could hear from the Alpha version was Team Darks Theme, which is the same apart from some bass in some parts.


Entire Page contense pulled together by SSUK (took me damn ages so give credit if you want to us it please)